
Tuesday, March 5, 2019

The Modern Marine NCO Today

straight offs naval NCO has changed over the years from the noncurrent Marine NCO. An NCO forthwith takes the companionship from their senior NCOs that was passed down to them and help shape the junior Marine today. Having respect goes a long way with Marine NCOs but how can that be achieved if the NCO doesnt show any themselves? A Marine NCO is like a father figure in a way, teaches junior marine what he/she needs to know in enact to better themselves and make good decisions so that one day when he/she becomes and NCO they can look back and be like my NCO when I was a troop taught me and show me what it takes to be a NCO.NCOs gain knowledge and wisdom from their seniors but also gain knowledge for their jourior marines and make themselves better. The NCO from the past was more about odering and not listening to their marines which made the Marines under their sharpen hate their NCO as of to now and days the NCO takes duration to listen to their Marines and justly take care of their needs.As a Marine NCO, we have to rigid standards for others to emulate and strive to be the best and surpass their leaders. A Marine NCO is there for his/her Marines from the smallest minute problem back in the rear to organism on the fron lines and helping their Marine in a battle situation. A jounior Marine will trust and respect his fellow NCO(s) if that Marine NCO takes time to understand them and help them in their situation.

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